Extremely nice sixth plate ambrotype grouping of three brothers, two of which are wearing Richmond Type II depot jackets. The family resemblance between the three is clear. The two soldiers appear to be in new uniforms, and the image may have been taken shortly after their enlistments. The buttons are…$2,850.00
Ambrotype, 6th plate This fine image depicts a seated Confederate soldier, likely from Mississippi or Texas. He is wearing a two-piece belt plate with a star device, used by both Mississippi and Texas (a star can be found on both Mississippi and Texas buttons). The soldier is triple-armed, with a…$5,950.00
This attractive quarter plate ruby ambrotype depicts two seated double-armed Confederates soldiers. The image surfaced in Mecklenburg County, Virginia. Both soldiers are dressed in single-button frock coats with decorative trim. Both men are wearing slouch hats. They certainly could be related. The soldier on the left displays a clip-point side…$5,950.00
Tintype, 6th plate This interesting image depicts a seated soldier with his arms crossed across his waist. He is wearing a sack coat which most likely was purchased privately. Although hard to distinguish, there could be a chest pocket on the coat. The buttons have been painted with gold paint,…$350.00
This 9th plate tintype depicts a young Union soldier in his frock coat with shoulder scales attached. He is likely a new recruit, as experienced soldiers threw the shoulder scales away. They were designed to protect the shoulders from saber blows but mostly made a good target of the wearer. …$85.00
Ruby Ambrotype, 9th plate This image of a militia soldier is from Massachusetts based on images of soldiers identified to Massachusetts with identical uniforms. The frock coat with black collar and shoulder tabs has been seen on Massachusetts militiamen. The uniform buttons were gilded by the photographer and the cheeks…$225.00