SALE 1950! Rebel with Pocket Revolver

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This nice sixth plate ambrotype depicts a young Rebel seated at a table and displaying a pocket revolver. I cannot identify what type of revolver it is, but a gun expert could certainly do so. The soldier is wearing a shell jacket which is a bit small for him, as it pulls at the buttons around his waist. The buttons are either hard rubber or wood.  The soldier has a lanyard around his neck which is gilded, and it may be attached to the pistol. The image has a serious look to it, with the Southerner showing he is all business with his revolver. The image is nice and clear with minor rubs and scratches that do not detract from the pose. It is housed in good condition thermoplastic case with a flowery design and a small crack at one hinge. If you like Southerners with weapons, you should consider this image.