Confederate with Leather Belts and Straps

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This sixth plate ambrotype depicts a simply dressed Confederate soldier who is well equipped with leather belts and straps.  His waist belt likely has some kind of buckle, but it is not visible.  The narrow shoulder strap looks like it would support a canteen.  The wider shoulder strap has a roller buckle and could support a haversack or even a cartridge box.  His jacket or frock coat has pockets and looks as if it could have been home made.  Brass buttons with no visible design complete his wardrobe.  He has a sad look about him, as if he was not happy about going to war.  Maybe he was leaving a family behind.  This is a crisp and clear Confederate image with a great look.  It is housed in a complete leatherette case with repaired spine.  As with some other Confederate images I have seen, the protector has been cut down from a larger size to fit the image.  The photographer was likely low on photographic supplies.  The image surfaced at a North Carolina estate sale.