New York Soldier with Beehive Hat$365.00
Outdoor Albumen of US Medical Corps Officers at Ft. Burnham (Ft. Harrison)$950.00
Framed Albumen Print of Capt. Jerome B. House, Mortally Wounded at Battery Wagner$595.00
Framed Albumen Print of Sgt. Collis S. Hough$550.00
Yankee with Shoulder Scales$85.00
Union or Confederate?$250.00
Copy Image of Possible Indiana Soldier$150.00
Union Soldier with Sack Coat$350.00
Union Private with Natural Backdrop$250.00
SALE PENDING!!! Massachusetts Militiaman with Splendid Uniform$325.00
Young Massachusetts Militiaman$225.00
Massachusetts Militiaman$325.00
SALE $695! Double Armed Yankee with S-Guard Bowie Knife$795.00
SALE $350! Sixth Plate Tintype of Union Soldier with Mississippi Rifle$425.00
SALE $275! Sixth Plate Tintype of Old Yankee Private$325.00
SALE $400! Quarter Plate Ambrotype of 1850’s Artillery Militiaman$495.00
Pair of Extremely Rare Sixth Plate Tintypes of Eads City-Class Ironclads and Identified Steamboats$8,950.00
SALE $100! CDV of Civil War Navy Lt. Commander, Post-War Assigned to USS Guerriere$115.00
Rare Outdoor CDV of H. H. Humphreys (son of General A. A. Humphreys) and F. W. Vaughan taken at Harrison’s Landing VA$495.00
Sixth Plate Ambrotype of a Union Officer$445.00