Very fine sixth plate ambrotype of an unidentified Confederate officer with Virginia staff buttons on his frock coat. The button design can be clearly seen with a loupe. Two collar bars are visible under his beard, so he was at least a first lieutenant. The officer’s cheeks are lightly tinted…$2,850.00
Crystal clear sixth plate ambrotype of an unidentified Confederate soldier. He is wearing a militia style jacket with collar trim that was popular in the South, particularly in Virginia and South Carolina. It was also used by other Southern states. The soldier is posed from the chest up and the…$1,450.00
This sixth plate ambrotype depicts a simply dressed Confederate soldier who is well equipped with leather belts and straps. His waist belt likely has some kind of buckle, but it is not visible. The narrow shoulder strap looks like it would support a canteen. The wider shoulder strap has a…$2,650.00
This sixth plate tintype depicts a simply dressed Confederate soldier wearing a checked shirt with bowtie and kepi. He is nicely outfitted with early war white web cross belts and an oval breastplate which has been gilded. This belt configuration was intended to carry a cartridge box and usually was…$2,150.00
This nice ninth plate ruby ambrotype depicts a young Confederate soldier wielding a knife and pepperbox pistol. The knife is very similar in appearance to a Richmond style clip point side knife. Many such knives were manufactured in the South during the war. He is dressed in a decorative “battle…$2,975.00
– This fine, war period albumen depicts Captain Jerome B. House, Co. C of the 7th New Hampshire Infantry. House enlisted, at age 38, in November of 1861. The 7th NH was initially on duty in Florida and South Carolina, engaged in non-combat related activities, until the summer of 1863 when the…$595.00
This sixth plate tintype of a seated militia soldier is likely from Massachusetts based on images of soldiers identified to Massachusetts with nearly identical uniforms. The frock coat with black collar, shoulder tabs and cuffs has been seen on Massachusetts militiamen. The soldier is seated in a classic period pose…$325.00
This rare outdoor image was originally made some time after the capture of Confederate Fort Harrison east of Richmond. The original wet plate that was the source of this albumen now resides in the Library of Congress Civil War image collection. The title accompanying the wet plate says the following: …$950.00
This crystal clear sixth plate ambrotype depicts a seated Confederate soldier displaying a double barrel shotgun. The shotgun is proudly held up for the photographer, and the twin hammers and triggers are quite visible. The collar on the soldier’s jacket is folded open to reveal his white shirt, and the jacket…$4,950.00
Exceptional half plate ambrotype of an early war Virginia militia officer. He is posed with his foot officer’s sword, kepi and two piece Virginia buckle. The state seal on the plate is obviously Virginia, but it is not crystal clear, so the image is priced accordingly. The uniform buttons are…$7,250.00
Ruby Ambrotype, 9th plate This image of a seated militia soldier is likely from Massachusetts based on images of soldiers identified to Massachusetts with nearly identical uniforms. The frock coat with three rows of buttons and extensive collar, cuff and chest decoration has been seen on Massachusetts militiamen. The uniform…$325.00
This incredible image is the best child in uniform I have seen. It depicts a young southern boy in Zouave dress, whose kepi appears to have crossed sabres on it. The image is exceptional in every way, including content, condition, and coloring. The family must have been well-to-do, as the…$1,650.00
This image depicts a nicely armed and outfitted Confederate soldier from Virginia. Although unknown, the image came from Madison, VA. The soldier is wearing a simple uniform with gray shell jacket and trousers. He has several linen slings crossed over his chest, two of which likely are for haversacks and…$4,250.00
Extremely nice sixth plate ambrotype grouping of three brothers, two of which are wearing Richmond Type II depot jackets. The family resemblance between the three is clear. The two soldiers appear to be in new uniforms, and the image may have been taken shortly after their enlistments. The buttons are…$2,850.00
Ambrotype, 6th plate This fine image depicts a seated Confederate soldier, likely from Mississippi or Texas. He is wearing a two-piece belt plate with a star device, used by both Mississippi and Texas (a star can be found on both Mississippi and Texas buttons). The soldier is triple-armed, with a…$5,950.00
This attractive quarter plate ruby ambrotype depicts two seated double-armed Confederates soldiers. The image surfaced in Mecklenburg County, Virginia. Both soldiers are dressed in single-button frock coats with decorative trim. Both men are wearing slouch hats. They certainly could be related. The soldier on the left displays a clip-point side…$5,950.00
Tintype, 6th plate This interesting image depicts a seated soldier with his arms crossed across his waist. He is wearing a sack coat which most likely was purchased privately. Although hard to distinguish, there could be a chest pocket on the coat. The buttons have been painted with gold paint,…$350.00
This 9th plate tintype depicts a young Union soldier in his frock coat with shoulder scales attached. He is likely a new recruit, as experienced soldiers threw the shoulder scales away. They were designed to protect the shoulders from saber blows but mostly made a good target of the wearer. …$85.00
Ruby Ambrotype, 9th plate This image of a militia soldier is from Massachusetts based on images of soldiers identified to Massachusetts with identical uniforms. The frock coat with black collar and shoulder tabs has been seen on Massachusetts militiamen. The uniform buttons were gilded by the photographer and the cheeks…$225.00